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Mandeep Posted: 07 September 2018 12:43:21(UTC)

Using AI shape in WASP3D make it really easy to create graphics for elections when using map to represent data etc.
User can create a shape(map or any relevant shape) containing multiple polygons in Illustrator and name each polygon respectively.

WASP3D Drone Designer imports this AI file and converts the list of polygon names into a tabular data and adds Visibility and Color columns to this table. User can use this table to individually set color and visibility to each poly to represent meaningful data.

For Example:
• User can import AI shapes into scenes and color each poly to show data for elections, polls, contests, heatmap etc.
• Each polygon can have color of the winning party.
• The Map can be extruded to show 3d representation of the 2D shape. Extruded shape has property to inherit base color from the 2D Shape
• Tap on a polygon to get the name of the poly which can be used to make interactive graphics to show data for the respective area, political parties, candidates of the area etc.

This tutorial shows user can use Polydata from an AI file to convert to a UDT Table and use in Scene.

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