Paging is a technique of dividing a stack of information into multiple pages showing one page at a time and feed in the next data, usually preceded with an in and out animation for the pages. This user guide shows user can use page controller object to create templates with multiple pages. Please see the video : Below image shows the concept of Page controller Here are the guidelines user should follow while creating a page graphic. - Make sure the scene items are separated that are to be paged and not.
- Only the data which needs to be paged should be part of the page group.
- Page group animation should start from frame 0 and not from some other frame
- Page group should be rendered off when scene is saved or should have a Rende = ‘False’ control action OnSceneCue trigger event.
- Page In key should be applied on the frame where the user wants to start the page control animation.
- Should have a page out key at the end when the page elements are animated out.
- The pages cannot have a fade-to next page animation. Because as shown in the image above, the same set of items are animated again and again with data of the next page. Tip : For fading between pages, consider using a Menu Group(Also works in Play Mode now).
- Different page index should be applied when having more than 1 page groups in the scene
- Value Node Index of the Data Page Player in Form control should match the Page Group index.
- Data Page Player should be added only on the Player Form and not on the Data Form. – Ignore this point if Unified form is used
- User can use the Data Page Player in vertical mode to shuffle pages at runtime.